Providing an experience that motivates you and your teams to take it to the next level!

Tara Murphy
Meet Tara Murphy

Elevating Leaders and Teams to

I started Tara Murphy Leadership to follow my passion  which is  helping  teams, leaders and organizations be successful beyond their  expectations. When working with you or your team, I am committed to:

  • Developing  people to  reach  leadership positions and success that they  never dreamed possible
  • Enabling organizations to implement complex, strategic corporate projects and deliver measurable results. 

DARE TO FLY HIGHER, You’re just one click away

Tara Murphy, CCE, CIE

CEO of Tara Murphy Leadership

Customized Solutions

I don’t offer off-the-shelf solutions - everything I recommend is based on years of proven results and is totally customized to your challenges and your brand.

20 + Years Of Experience

As an executive/leadership coach, organizational consultant, and/or speaker, I can help you exceed your goals, improve operational efficiencies.

Virtual Experience

We understand online experiences are vital in today’s business. We can schedule individual or group meetings through Zoom.

Areas of Expertise

I will motivate you and your team.  Everything I recommend is based on years of proven results and customized to your challenges and your brand.



I help organizations lead a top workplace culture, not stifle it. I help to develop the potential in others. I strive to encourage, challenge, and expand thinking. I support leaders as they work to hone new skills, take on new roles and address challenges. Undeveloped potential can be the difference between a struggling company and one that thrives. My focus is to help your leaders gain skills and tools to inspire, empower and influence outcomes.

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

I support executives in their roles as individuals and as industry leaders. My focus is to help unlock abilities and hone skills to prepare individuals for the challenges of high-level leadership and corporate influence. I assist executives with their professional development, industry challenges and daily operations. This equips them with the skills and tools needed to create impactful, positive change.


Initial Meeting with CEO

Introduction to Tara Murphy Leadership, getting on the same page to decide if you want to partner with TML to take your leaders from good to great.

Initial Assessment Day with Leadership Team

A day long workshop to give your leadership team the tools to clarify needs, determine who’s responsible for what, and set priorities.  This results in a shared vision which is the cornerstone of high performing teams. 

Onsite Group Session Day

This is where the team really starts to collaborate and identify how to move together to improve communication, resolve issues and not only identify, but achieve measurable results. 

Individual Coaching Sessions with each Leader Once per Month

In these hour-long virtual sessions, leaders will discover new ways to use their strengths as a leader, overcome obstacles and enhance your performance. 

Onsite Group Sessions 1x quarter

A day with your leadership team quarterly to evaluate performance, refocus, set priorities for the next quarter, and resolve any issues that might impede progress.

Monthly checkpoint with CEO

Monthly meeting to review current progress against your ideal performance. 

Stay in touch and get the latest news about me and all of my activities!


How horses taught me critical lessons about leadership

How HORSES taught me critical lessons about LEADERSHIP

A book that has captured some of my most inspired writings at sunrise on the farm.

Sir Winston Churchill made this quote famous. It’s a sentiment that all horse people understand:

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of man”.  I completely agree.

I have worked with horses since I was 6 years old.  They are excellent teachers.

They teach us life lessons about ourselves and others.

In my career, I have been fortunate to learn so much from my work, my colleagues, other leaders, and great educational opportunities.  In retrospect, when I look back on my journey, I think I learned the most about leadership and teamwork from caring for, and riding horses.

Working with horses may look easy. But they challenge you to listen, be aware, adjust your actions, check in constantly, and build a mutual relationship of respect and appreciation.

I credit horses with building the foundation that helped me develop my business and leadership skills. They include problem solving, communication, critical thinking, adaptability, relationship building, the power of positivity, empathy, bravery, the value of hard work, teamwork, confidence, and perseverance.

Most importantly, you learn how to be humble while always being driven from a place of true passion.   

I look forward to sharing my lessons with you.

Get a Free Consultation Now!

"Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great!"
-- John D. Rockefeller

Let me know if you would like to connect via phone, virtual meeting or in person.  

Email: Tara@taramurphyleadership.com

Phone: 813-719-5072

I look forward to working with you.

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    Coaching for people Who Want to Thrive!


    I will motivate you and your team to take it to the next level and deliver results.   I don’t offer off the shelf solutions –  everything I recommend is based on years of proven results and is totally customized to your challenges and your brand.